這是這一系列的第二篇,中文打得很慢的我,一想到接下來還有三,四篇,之前還說要還在年底前打完,就覺得手還沒打多少字,已經開始痠了。Okay,廢話少說,趕快揭曉我第 31名到 40名的城市!
40. 塞拉耶佛,波士尼亞 (Sarajevo, Bosnia): 本來塞拉耶佛的排名比第40名高很多的。可是後來我發現波士尼亞簽證規定對台灣人極不友善。基本上,拿台灣(中華民國)護照,幾乎不可能辦到波國簽證 (塞爾維亞對台灣也是一樣會刁難)。也因此,不想讓國人對此城嚮往太多卻又拜訪不了,乾脆把它排低一點。其實四面環山塞拉耶佛人口不多,卻是非常漂亮,而 且容納了四種不同宗教文化。城內四處是清真寺,東正教教堂,天主教教堂。而且同時有土耳其風味的咖啡廳及奧地利風味的糕點店及啤酒屋,算是非常有趣的城 市。城內四處可見的墓碑,卻又點醒了遊客,這個城市沒多久前才被圍城,而死了一大堆人。雖然並不富有,但四處可見的烤肉店,咖啡廳,及夜店,讓人覺得塞拉 耶佛人其實還是很會享受生活的。也許也是因為經濟在內戰結束多年後一直沒起色,物價一直很低 (不像本來同屬南斯拉夫的鄰國克羅埃西亞,現在已經物價比台灣都還貴了),算是便宜擱大碗的旅遊去處。如果你拿的不是台灣護照,建議還是可以去看一看的。
以及,離塞拉耶佛不太遠的莫斯塔 (Mostar)
39. 布拉格,捷克 (Prague, Czech Republic): 東歐最有名,最受觀光客歡迎的城市,在我的排行榜上竟只有第 39名,是不是太低了一些?不過也沒辦法,因為我1995 年之後就沒去過布拉格了。而且不像也很久沒去的雪梨或法國蔚藍海岸,因為常讀到網友描述住在那裡的生活點滴因而不會感覺太陌生,布拉格的記憶感覺真的是愈 來愈遙遠了。不過十幾年前拜訪時,是真的很喜歡那裡的。現在捷克也在申根簽證的範圍之內了,有空大家要去旅行,現在應該也比 1995年簡單多了。
38. 威尼斯,義大利 (Venice, Italy): 威尼斯我這些年先後只去了兩次,而兩次加起來,總共也只待了一天半,感覺對此城並不算是很熟。不過2006年去的那一次,有一整個下午在水都漫步亂逛,迷 路了好幾次,卻又因不趕時間 (不跟團的好處),找不到路繞出去也不引以為意,可以慢慢感受水都的浪漫。因為實在有太多的電影都要跑來威尼斯取景,好像故事主人翁要到了水都,才能放下 世俗束縛,墜入情網似地 (最近看的『慾望莊園』其中一場男女主角暗夜追逐的高潮戲背景也是在威尼斯)。也因此雖然我在威尼斯時間不多,對此城還是有些難忘。可惜的是,威尼斯的夜 生活實在不怎樣,好像天黑了後就沒什麼地方去了,最多只能在聖馬可廣場的路天咖啡座看街頭藝人表演。
37. 華盛頓哥倫比亞特區,美國 (Washington, DC, USA): 在我的前20名待了十幾年的華府今年名次大跌。一下子快摔到40名之外了。主要原因是今年的『北美鐵道之旅』在 華盛頓拜訪的那幾天過得很不愉快,還被認識很多年的義大利友人,現在開始有『中年危機』的 Pietro 整得很慘。不過 DC 畢竟是美國首都,藝文活動繁多,蓋得很大的紀念建築更多。再加上一大堆博物館都免費,有機會,建議大家還是應該去拜訪一下。明年繼續寫 2008『北美鐵道之旅』的連載時,會多放一些在華盛頓DC 的照片。
36. 羅馬,義大利 (Rome, Italy): 很多年沒去的『永恆之城』羅馬,終於在 2008年秋重訪,也因此今年羅馬名次大幅上升。可惜因那次旅行主要目的地是義大利南部的拿波里及蘇連多,羅馬待的時間很短,等於才一天一夜。這回雖然進 去了梵諦岡博物館,也看到了西斯汀教堂,但很多東西還是只是走馬看花。像羅馬可看的東西這麼多,去至少得待上三天!
35. 聖彼得堡,俄羅斯 (St. Petersburg, Russia): 俄羅斯唯一進榜的城市。對莫斯科沒特別好感的我,聖彼得堡理所當然地成為我俄國最愛的城市。其實我距上次去聖彼得堡至今,也超過 10年了。這 10年來當然俄國變化很大,所以有機會,當然是希望能夠回俄國看看的。聖彼得堡除了漂亮外,還有座全球我最愛的幾個博物館之一,冬宮的 Hermitage。當然,小時候一本很喜歡的漫畫長篇連載『玉女情懷』的第三部,也是以聖彼得堡為背景 (大概要夠老才會記得這部池田里代子的史詩漫畫),也因此我對聖彼得堡,一直有種特殊的嚮往。
34. 香港 (Hong Kong): 我去過香港好幾次,感覺在所有華人城市中,這真的是最國際化的。夜景很美,交通方便,好吃的餐廳也很多,可惜就是人口密度太高了。這幾年因一個很要好的朋 友因公遷居香港,去那裡有風景優美的高級公寓可借住,因此去的機會也增加了。因為讀者中去過香港的人應該很多,這裡也不用多介紹了。
33. 倫敦 (London, England, UK): 『倫敦這樣的世界名城,應有盡有的地方,怎麼會才第 33名?』很多人也許會好奇地問 (嗯,你知道紐約的排名時,大概會更吃驚)。其實 33名也還好啊,並不會很低啊?也許是因我過去兩次 (2007及 2008)去倫敦,剛好英鎊在最高點,感覺什麼都貴得一蹋糊塗,玩起來頗為辛苦。另一點是,倫敦真的是大多時天氣都很不好,也因此在那裡被淋雨淋的很煩。 現在終於英鎊大跌,去那裡不會那麼貴了。另外值得一提的是,倫敦最好的幾個博物館多不收門票,入場費看自己高興樂捐,所以大家去了,別錯過去 大英博物館, Tate Britain,Tate Modern, National Gallery 等世界級名館參觀的機會。
較新的倫敦遊記:重訪倫敦 及 大英博物館的非洲館藏
32. 愛丁堡,蘇格蘭(Edinburgh, Scotland): 英國境內排名最高的城市,不過老實說,我也時幾年沒有去愛丁堡。特別喜歡的是它的舊城區,由愛丁堡古堡走下來的那 Royal Miles。什麼時候還有機會再重訪呢?
31. 邁阿密及邁阿密海灘,美國 (Miami and Miami Beach, USA): 以陽光,沙灘及夜生活聞名的邁阿密及邁阿密海灘 (注意,兩者其其實不同城市),其實應該不是我的“菜”。不過因為或去搭郵輪,或去開國際會議,這些年倒也去了好幾次。夜店我是去的不多,但感覺這裡好吃 的拉丁美洲餐廳蠻多的,尤其是我有點懷念的秘魯菜及阿根廷菜,這裡都很容易找得到。而因古巴裔在南佛州勢力龐大,邁阿密好吃的古巴菜更是特別多。當然,滿 街的來自歐洲及南美洲超級名模,更增加了此區的『可看性』
大家也許感覺到了,好像我特別偏愛歐洲城市。的確,我可以算是個『哈歐族』。那,接下來,還有哪些歐洲城市會出現呢?台北呢?台北會有前 30名嗎?
This is the second part of my Top 50 "Favorite Cities in the World" Countdown. No, Los Angeles is not in my top 40; no, neither Budapest nor New Orleans is in top 40, but there is even a bigger shocker... you may be surprised what cities are not even in Top 50!!
And yes, you will find European cities are overrepresented on the whole list, which should not be a surprise. For a person born and raised in Far East and lived in North America for many years, Currently reside in Middle East, Europe may be the most "exotic" and intriguing continent for me. It does not hurt that most European cities have great public transportation and so easy to get around by non-driver like me.
The following is No 40 to No. 31:
40. Sarajevo, Bosnia: It could have been ranked higher if they don't have such a hostile visa policy toward Taiwanese citizens (another country that tries to hard to kiss China's ass). I first visited it in 2006, long after the end of its brutal 3 years civil war. The formerly war-torn (and still somewhat volatile) city is now vibrant with street lives that people in many American cities will never dream to have. Its mountainous setting and smaller scale also make it quite charming. The converging of 4 religions and cultures makes its building styles especially intriguing. Its story of resiliency is inspiring. And maybe due to its still weak economy, it is still very cheap. A place reminds you both the cruelty and bravery of human spirits. Finally it is the time, visit it!
39. Prague, Czech Republic The most popular and touristy city in East Europe, period. However, I haven't visited it since 1995 and maybe it is a completely different city now. The amazing buildings are everywhere and beer is strong and tasty. Of course, its popularity brings some undesirable effects. Two words specifically: "Stag Parties."
38. Venice, Italy: Finally I had opportunity to re-visit it in June 2006. Unfortunately, I still did not stay long enough there (less than 24 hours but at least I made it to Lido this time.) A very beautiful and romantic city. Unfortunately, it is too touristy and overcrowded with visitors. Also, the nightlife sucks. :P
37. Washington DC, US: My relationship with Washington DC (a city I formerly resided in) gradually turned sour in the past few years. My last trip to DC in summer 2008 is a disaster. I even swore that I would not visit there until 2011. It doesn't help that nobody in that city flirt with me anymore when I went out bar-hopping! But to be honest, it is nice city to visit, a lot of green space, grand monument, and free museums! There are also a lot of great ethnic restaurants there. Believe it or not, DC has the best Ethiopian restaurants in the whole North America.
36, Rome, Italy: Finally returns to Top 40 after a short visit in autumn 2008! A historic city (and perennial favorite) that deserves a much higher ranking. Well, I haven't been to Rome since 1991 and this recent trip was only 1 day. Ironically, I do have a good friend from Rome but he is living in the US. Our travel plan rarely compatible with the other's, I haven't had any chance to visit Rome when he is there...
35. St. Petersburg, Russia: I have to say I have mixed feeling about Russia, Moscow is definitely not my favorite. However, St. Petersburg is different. It is a very beautiful city and has one of the best museums I've ever visited in my life (Hermitage). It is hard to imagine this city just celebrated its 300 birthday (younger than Boston!? ). A Japanese comic book "Window of Russia" also increased my interest in this city.
34. Hong Kong: Now I have a place (in a nice but very small high-rise apartment) to crash since a good friend is now based in Hong Kong. It is actually very, very crowded but still remains relatively orderly. And of course, the best of Hong Kong are the restaurants and great shopping opportunities.
33. London, England: Finally a revisit in 2007 put the U.K. capital back into my Top 40 though another visit in March 2008 did not propel it further into Top 20. I am fond of London but not really "love" it...Well, maybe because I was so overwhelmed by its high price (it was really a bad time if you earn US dollars or Taiwanese yuan and visited it in 2007) :( That was then. Now British pound has devalued so much, will London become much more affordable? This is a huge world metropolis so definitely there are a lot of things to do here. Well, maybe food, hotels and tubes (subway/metro) are all expensive, but at least one thing is technically free: the museums!! Can you believe that I dropped by British Museum everyday in my visit, just to see one small exhibition at a time?
32. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh actually ranks higher than London? Those Scots would feel very happy about that....Though I haven't visited Ediburgh for awhile, it still remains my favorite of the whole United Kingdom. The set up (the hill, the castle) is just mesmerizing. Nearby, there are also some nice bays and lakes (loch as they say) to chill out.
31. Miami (and Miami Beach), USA: Nice beaches, beautiful people, and great restaurants if you like it Latin style. Okay, it is a little superficial and attitudy, but.... Bonus point for that you can see many beautiful Europeans and South Americans there without traveling to those continents.
So, are you looking forward to the Part III?