終於,倒數了這麼多天,現在終於到了前十大。所以,羅馬 (Rome),倫敦(London),巴塞隆納 (Barcelona)都沒有前十名,西方人很愛,在好幾個雜誌評選都有 Top 10 的曼谷(Bangkok),開普敦 (Cape Town),布宜諾斯艾利斯 (Buenos Aires)也沒進我的前十名。而紐約 (New York),東京(Tokyo),杜拜 (Dubai)更慘,甚至連我的 Top 50 都沒進。那麼,我的前十名到底是何方神聖?
為了吊大家胃口,在這裡只揭曉第 10 到第 6名。最後的前五名,則得等明天或後天才會揭曉了。
10. 里約熱內盧,巴西 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - including Costa Verde and resort town Paraty): 2006年初的南美洲之旅,終站來到這裡,剛好趕上了一年一度的嘉年華活動,不但看了幾場鬧熱滾滾的街頭遊行,還去『森巴巨蛋』看了八小時的歌舞大會串, 看到虛脫。其實,里約有山有水,風景優美,一年四季氣候溫和,因此就算是七,八月 (他們的冬天)拜訪,沒嘉年華活動可看,也沒什麼不好的 (那時候,可能旅館費還比較便宜一些)。不過巴西貧富不均嚴重,治安敗壞,去年還有一整車英國遊客一出機場,就全車被搶。因此大家到里約去,特別要小心。 不過白天在人多的街上走,應該是沒問題的。
- 『玩家經驗/在里約當海灘遊俠 眼吃冰淇淋可惜有色無膽』
- 『玩家經驗/到里約最著名地標 上駝背山貼近救世主』
- 『玩家經驗/洋人旅行團大不同 里約貧民窟也是景點』
- 『玩家經驗/里約嘉年華 著上百個麥可傑克森
帕拉七 及翡翠海岸
里約 的『野花村』
9. 伊斯坦堡,土耳其 (Istanbul, Turkey): 跨歐亞兩大洲,有兩千多年歷史的古城。因為第一次就住了三天三夜,遊歷的比較徹底,也因此排名比其他只是走馬看花的城市高很多。所以,同時經歷基督教文化 及伊斯蘭文化洗禮的伊斯坦堡,到底該算亞洲還是歐洲呢?因為歐洲國家不想讓土耳其加入歐盟 (當然,同時也夾雜了歐洲基督徒對回教的歧視),他們總說土耳其是『亞洲』國家,但對來自東亞的我,覺得伊斯坦堡明明就是歐洲啊!其實感覺土耳其比中東的 回教國家的開放自由的多,古蹟多,東西又好吃 (只是有很多是鹹了些),人民也算是蠻友善的。如果大家有機會去,伊斯坦堡至少得待三,四天以上。向我自己都希望以後能再藉著開會,或去搭郵輪的機會,重 訪這和羅馬一樣,同樣蓋在七個山丘上的迷人古城。
相簿:一直沒完成,只完成了這頁:『伊斯坦堡的著名歷史建築 』
8. 慕尼黑,德國 (Munich, Germany): 連續幾年都在十一,十二名左右徘徊的慕尼黑,今年終於因我今年九月為了『十月啤酒節』(Oktoberfest)再度前往拜訪,印象仍是超好,一下擠進了 前十 (這也使得德國現在有兩個國家在我的 Top 10)。其實,慕尼黑可以算是德國的國際大城中,最漂亮的,而且因為難得巴伐利亞的民情,這裡的人感覺也比較友善,不向一般的德國人如此不茍言笑。而且慕 尼黑接近阿爾卑斯山,要去山裡滑雪,登山健行也都很方便。往南兩小時,就到了德國最有名的童話般古堡 ─ 『新天鵝堡』 (Neuschwannstein),不然,兩小時也可以帶你到奧地利的薩爾茲堡 (Salzburg),去拜訪莫札特的故鄉。
慕尼黑 及 巴伐利亞鄉間
奧地利的 薩爾茲堡
7. 溫哥華大都會區,加拿大 (Vancouver, Canada - Including Whistler, Victoria and some other towns on Vancouver Island): 在加拿大住過一陣子的我,因為主要就是住在溫哥華,因此溫哥華猶如我的『第二故鄉』(不過我的第二故鄉好像業太多了一些 ;p)。四處山水環繞的溫哥華,一向是亞洲人移民加拿大的最愛去處,以至不少台灣人或香港人都至少有一兩個親戚朋友住在溫哥華。但卻也由於溫哥華華人太 多,我一些 (台灣)朋友反而對溫哥華看得很不順眼,直說那裡和台港差不多,沒什麼拜訪的必要;不然就說那裡華人太多,所以一定水準不高‧‧等一類充滿歧視的話。其實 溫哥華畢竟是加拿大第三大城,而加拿大的多元文化融合其實比美國還成功。因此溫哥華也不難感受到來自其他亞洲國家,拉丁美洲,甚至東歐移民的文化。往北到 威仕樂 (Whistler),是加拿大第一滑雪勝地,一路風景優美,猶如挪威峽灣。可惜溫哥華工作太難找,不然我是很想在那裡定居的。搬離溫哥華後,又遷居了很 多個城市,但還是沒放棄,也許以後退休搬回那裡的可能。
不過老實說,溫哥華其實並不是我加拿大最喜歡的城市。那麼,加拿大還有個城市,在我的 Top 5‧‧‧?
6. 京都,日本 (Kyoto, Japan): 2008年躍升最大的城市,不但是全日本,也是全亞洲排名最高的城市。在今年四月去賞櫻後,我終於了解台灣的一堆『哈日族』的心情了,也了解為什麼誠品的 旅遊叢書架上,關於京都的書會多到令人頭痛。京都真的是日本最令人喜歡的城市,處處都是傳統,卻又如此怡然自得而不作做。明明是現代化大都會,不少地方處 處高樓,在古建築中卻又不讓人覺得喧賓奪主。我拜訪時又剛好是櫻花盛開時節,因此特別有興味。那次因為住大阪,過境又只待三天不到,總覺得這第二次去京 都,還是想看的大多都沒看到。下回一定得找機會再去,而且要吃到湯豆腐
所以,終於到了最後五大了。到底哪些城市是我的最愛?到底哪個城市又會是最後的 No. 1 呢?
答案即將在 2008 結束前揭曉...
English Version (英文版):
10. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (including Costa Verde and resort town Paraty): First visited in 2006, so I still have quite fresh memories about this city. Its beautiful setting is on par with Vancouver and San Francisco. However, it is not as overpriced and foggy as San Fran and definitely not as wet and cloudy as Vancouver. With its tropical location, it is beach going weather almost everyday in Rio. It also has some of the most beautiful denizens on earth. Unfortunately, just like many cities I love, it is not a very safe city to wander around by yourself at night. But using precaution, it should be fine.
My recent photo album of Rio de Janeiro
- My Heart still Beaches on - Beaches of Rio
- Downtown Rio
- A Piece of that Sugaroaf
- Meeting the Giant Jesus Statue on Top of Corcovado
- Touring Rio's Favela
- A Night at Sambodromo for Carnival Extravaganza
- Harbor Tour of Rio de Janeiro
- Seaside Resort Paraty and Rio State's Emerald Coast
9. Istanbul, Turkey: The only major city that lies on two different continents. It is also one of the most fascinating and historic cities of mankind. Though most Europeans do not consider it European. For me, it is definitely more European than Asian. It is beautiful and joyful to just wandering around (just like many Southern European cities). After Turkey's recent economic boom, it is also much easier to walking around without getting hassling. Try their rice in mussels if you have opportunities.
Istanbul Photo Album Mmm...I haven't finished most of them. So this (Chinese language) one is the only one I can show you at this moment...
8. Munich, Germany:Finally moved back to my Top 10 after staying at around No. 11 or No. 12 for several years. This year's visit for its craziest festival - Oktoberfest - definitely helps. However, with or without Oktoberfest, I do still really enjoy each visit to Munich. It is poshed, clean, slightly pricey (but nowhere near New York or even Washington DC), and maybe have most friendly people in Germany. Great beer halls and good gateway to some nice mountain towns/ski resorts in the south. And yes, New Swan Castle (Neuschwannstein) can be accessed from here. Photo of Munich from my 2005 trip
Photo album of facebook: 2008 Oktoberfest Diary
7. Vancouver, Canada - Including Whistler, Victoria and some other towns on Vancouver Island: Sort of like my "second hometown," I've lived there for sometime in late 20 century. Its topographical setting is stunning and mesmerizing. Though it rains a lot, its ever changing cloud and light patterns actually makes its ambiance more interesting. Due to Canada's more open-door immigration policy, Vancouver becomes possibly the most culturally diverse city in the West Coast of the whole American continent. It definitely has the best Asian restaurants outside of Asia. Taking ferry west, in three hours, you can reach the English-flavor town of Victoria. Where the Royal British Columbian Museum is one of the best in Canada. Traveling north, passing through fjords and waterfalls, you can reach Whistler, one of the most beloved ski resorts in North America.
Come 2010, when the Winter Olympic Game will be hold in Vancouver and Whistler, all eyes will be on this beautiful city. Have you booked your trip there yet?
6. Kyoto, Japan: The highest ranked city in Asia. And after a re-visit in April 2008 (just in time for cherry blossom), Kyoto moves back to my Top 10. No doubt, it is the most delicate and interesting city in Japan. There are so many beautiful temples and nice park (with famed Japanese "dry landscape" garden) in this ancient city. It is also more relaxing than other Japanese big cities, such as Tokyo and Osaka. Actually, I will say, among all the Asian cities with ancient history, Kyoto is the most comfortable in its skin living with both tradition and modernity.
So the grand finale is coming. Guess which continent may almost have it all? Which city would eventually be my Top city among them all? A formerly divided city that evolved into the avant-gard art center? A city of two solitudes? THE city of light? Or...the city that just brought us change and audacity of hope?
Til' next time...