2008年12月22日 星期一

『全球最愛 50大城市總排行 ─ 2008年版』之三:第30到第21名

排行倒數繼續,沒錯,繼前一篇一大堆歐洲的都市之後,今天的 21名到 30名中終於有比較多其他洲的都市了。其中還包含了‧‧‧是的,我的家鄉!

30. 馬德里,西班牙 (Madrid, Spain): 西班牙的首都及第一大城其實並不是我排名最高的西班牙城市 (西班牙還有哪一個城市更有趣‧‧‧自己猜吧!) 但老實說,馬德里的夜生活之精采,幾乎是舉世無雙。哪有什麼地方,到了半夜兩點大家還在吃晚飯,然後到了早上七點大家還在夜店跳舞趴踢?馬德里也許漂亮建 築不夠多,但夜生活就已足夠讓人難忘的了。當然,早睡的人在馬德里倒不會沒事做,至少它的博物館就夠教人留連忘返了。尤其是有歐洲四大博物館之稱,和羅浮 宮,大英博物館,及冬宮 Hermitage齊名的普拉多美術館 (Prado Museum)更是非去不可的地方。出城不到一小時可拜訪的歷史名勝也很多,尤其是山城 Toledo,有大宮殿的 El Escorial (在『伊莉莎白續集─輝煌年代』中凡是鏡頭移到西班牙時,都是在 El Escorial 拍的)。

29. 台北,台灣 (Taipei, Taiwan): 自己的家鄉第 29名,究竟是太高還是太低?(別忘了台北排名還比倫敦高)。其實從前台北排名是有前 20名的。可能 2007年搬回去後,適應得不太好,應此名次就開始下跌了 (是因為在自己的家找不到『家』的感覺嗎?還是指是因不適應天氣,一個冬天就生了五次病,還造成氣喘復發)。其實台北並沒大家想得沒趣,連英國名刊物 Monocle 好像去年都選台北為『全世界最被低估的首都』(most underestimated capital in the world)。其實台北有山有水,附近溫泉多,好吃的餐廳,小店,及路邊攤又四處都是。雖然國際化程度還有待努力,但擺在前三十名,其實並不為過。可惜的 是,全世界最高的建築現在已不在台北了‧‧‧(不過可以告訴大家,那個有全球最高建築的名城,並沒在我的 Top 50)

28.雪梨 (Sydney, Australia): 大洋洲唯一進到我 Top 50的城鎮 (抱歉啦,墨爾本及皇后鎮)。老實說,我也十七,八年沒去雪梨了。不過因那次旅行印象深刻,我又一直有機會讀其他網友描繪雪梨有趣的形形色色,因此雪梨一直能維持在我的前 30名。

尼斯,南法的蔚藍海岸及普羅旺斯(Nice Cote d'Azure & Provence): 這是大家都知道,在台灣的報章雜誌也早就被寫爛的旅遊勝地。因為蔚藍海岸各點,像是坎城,聖托培,摩納哥,甚至一直到馬賽,離尼斯都不會太遠,因此可當成 一個城市或大都會區介紹。最近台灣一個好友才去那裡蜜月旅行,雖然12月的天候比他想像中冷,他們還是很喜歡這整個區域。老實說,南法我也是十幾年沒 去了,希望很快能有機會再訪!

布宜諾斯艾利斯,阿根廷 (Buenos Aires, Argentina): 有『南美洲的巴黎』之稱的布宜諾斯艾利斯這幾年很夯,在  Travel and Leisure 雜誌的票選還名列全球第二受歡迎的城市。因為幾年前阿根廷經濟崩盤,阿根廷披索貶了 300%,一向是南美洲最貴的阿根廷一下變成了『俗擱大碗』的去處。因為20世紀阿根廷經濟多遲滯不前,使得布宜諾斯艾利斯很多地方並沒太改建,反而保存不少舊有餘韻。雖然短期內沒專門重訪的打算,下次去南極應該會由阿根廷的火地島 (Tierra del Fuego) 出發,屆時因一定得先到布城轉機,應該會有重遊的機會。


25. 開普敦,南非 (Cape Town, South Africa): 非洲最有錢有勢的國家的第一大城市因治安太壞,以致人見人怕。反倒是第二大城因地理位置特殊 (非洲的盡頭),氣候溫和,有美麗的山景及海灘,多元文化融合,再加上周圍一堆風景一人的葡萄酒莊,使得開普敦不只是南非,也是很多人心目中全非洲大陸最愛的城市。保羅索魯的『暗星薩伐旅』(Dark Star Safari)在此結束,我的『六週非洲陸路露營之旅』卻在此展開。無論如何,除了輸給某小島外,開普敦在各方面都是我全非洲最喜歡,最希望有機會重訪的城鎮。


24. 巴里羅切及湖泊區,阿根廷 (Bariloche and Lake District, Argentina): 沒錯,巴里羅切的排名竟比首都布宜諾斯艾利斯還高,只能說我那時看到湖區美景時實在太感動了。也因為巴里羅切高居前 30 名,把在前 40名十幾年,但和巴里羅切同質性很高的紐西蘭皇后鎮擠出Top 50。看了我的文章及照片你們就會發現為什麼我這麼喜歡這裡了。 


23. 多倫多,加拿大 (Toronto, Canada): 不 曉得在哪讀到,多倫多才是全世界種族最複雜,文化最多元的城市,連自詡為『文化大鎔爐』的紐約都得靠邊站。老實說,多倫多只是我第三喜歡的加拿大城市,而 且看之下感覺它不是很有特色,和美國很多城市太像。但一向喜歡異國料理的我,到了多倫多簡直是高興的無法形容。而且因為畢竟是富國加拿大第一大城,博物館 也非常的不錯,像 Royal Ontario Museum 及 Art Gallery of Ontario 都是不該錯過的地方。

22. 曼谷,泰國(Bangkok, Thailand): 在今年的 Travel and Leisure 被選為全球最受歡迎城市的曼谷,最近似乎時運不濟,政局動盪不安。連機場都被佔據,害得一堆觀光客被卡在機場,回不了家。從前的我總覺得好像都是要買春的人才去曼谷 (我是真的有美國朋友,每年還真的都要去泰國買春 , 不過我不想去評判別人)。不過這幾年去了幾次,發現那裡還真的不錯,東西便宜,吃得也好 (我剛好愛吃泰國菜),連很多精品旅社的設計都很別出心裁。而且還有很多令人留連的佛寺。此外,意外的是,因泰國來自全球的背包客特別多,在泰國旅遊,竟 還比在台灣,或甚至旅遊歐洲還能認識到更多來自世界各地的新朋友!

21. 聖地牙哥,美國 (San Diego, USA): 在今夏的『北美鐵道之旅』後,聖地牙哥排名大升,到了幾乎前 20名。我發現聖地牙哥不只天氣好,而且比鄰近的洛杉磯容易玩的多。除了有全美最大的動物園外,一堆美美的西班牙殖民時期建築,而且海邊也有不錯的步道可散步慢跑。往北,還有綿延數哩,美女猛男四處的海灘,以及可愛閒散的濱海小鎮 La Jolla。以後『北美鐵道之旅』寫到這裡,在慢慢介紹。

終於,要進入前 20 名了‧‧‧


Continue my countdown...Yes, you really see my Top 50 cities are from all over the world.

Madrid, Spain: If you ask me which city has the most overwhelming nightlife, this would be it. And yes Madriders really know how to party! The city itself is not that handsome or even eye-pleasing, however. Aside from its nightlife, its also has some great museums, especially the must-see Prado.

Taipei, Taiwan: Unfortunately, it actually falls from Top 20 since I moved back here in 2007. Maybe because I don't feel home here after being away for too long (and it has changed so much) and moving back here accelerates that feeling...I was supposedly to keep my hometown in Top 40 no matter what. Always underestimated and always overlooked, even by its own folks (sort of like myself, isn't it?), it is rarely a place to fall in love at first sight (or even second, or even third sight). You need a local to show you around to really enjoy it. Only a local knows where are the best restaurants, shopping places, and natural walks in the mountains nearby. Unfortunately, by the end of 2008, I moved away from Taipei once again (remember my them song? "I'm like a bird, I want to fly away. I don't know where my home is.....)

Sydney, Australia: Well, now this country has a head of state who speaks my language. Another beautiful city by the sea and possibly one of the most culturally diverse in the world. And who can forget those peaches (or sails) pose as opera houses? Okay, you may think its ranking is too low (many magazines rank Sydney as No. 1 in the world). But I haven't been there for a while...maybe an invitation for a re-visit?

Nice, Cote d'Azure & Provence After combining Nice and all other French Riviera cities into one, they moved up to No. 27 this year. But what not to love about it here?

Buenos Aires, Argentina:  It could have been ranked higher. However, the three days I was there, it was Monday to Wednesday. So I basically missed out all the weekend fun! In many ways, Buenos Aires is really a budget destination, a (sort of) first world city with the third world price tag. A place definitely is high on my "to re-visit" list. It is also advisable that you make a detour to Uruguay (if you don't need an extra visa) across the River de la Plata. I like the small town Colonia!

25. Cape Town, South Africa: A return visit in 2007 moves Cape Town back within my Top 30. Another city with great backdrop of mountains and the oceans. It offers a lot but still remains affordable (and I'm glad the crime there is not as horrifying as Johannesburg). I am glad I started my "once-in-the-lifetime" African overland trip there.

24. Bariloche and Lake District, Argentina: Yes, Bariloche actually ranks higher than Buenos Aires (and London). It is so stunningly beautiful. This "Little Switzerland" is better than the real thing. And it is Argentina, post-economic crisis, which means things are still in bargain basement price. Go to enjoy some great steak dinner and Melbec wines after visit the mountains and the lake, then sample Del Tourista chocolate afterwards. My photo album of Bariloche: Nahuel Huapi National Park outside the town and Bariloche, the town itself

23. Toronto, Canada: Canada's largest city is actually only my No. 3 favorite Canadian city for me. But 23th ain't bad either. Some says it is "New York Light." Though I would prefer to say it is the mirror image of Chicago. By the way, somewhere I read it is the most ethnically diverse metro area in world. Sorry, New York. I cannot wait to visit the new wing of Royal Ontario Museum...

22. Bangkok, Thailand: I used to have mixed feelings about Bangkok. It is a very crowded city with bad traffic and sex industry is so big there that it ends up attract some strange and undesirable people. Now I just ignored the unpleasant parts of Bangkok and surround to its pleasure. For me, the pleasure is the great Thai food and some bargain hunting opportunities. It also has some of the most beautiful Buddhist temples in the world. Strangely, it is even a better place to meet other backpackers than many places I have been traveled to.

21. San Diego, USA: A city with nice beaches and surrounded by mountains. Yes, it is like a smaller, friendlier, or should I say, improved version of Los Angeles. It is only three hours' drive from LA, so if you fly from Asia or Europe into Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), you can escape from LA to SD as soon as possible. Indeed, San Diego may be a better candidate to make you fall in love with Southern California than L.A.A visit to S.D. in summer of 2008 and reconnected to a friend I met in DC back in 1990's put it high in my heart among all the American cities (Only 3 other US cities rank higher than San Diego)
Now, unto the Top 20.....

