由南美洲回到中東,是由阿根廷的布宜諾斯艾利斯出發,這回我不是搭英航的班機,而是先搭巴西的 TAM航空到聖保羅,再由聖保羅搭英航返回倫敦轉機。TAM航空的飛機餐,我在稍後的文章會介紹。這一篇繼續介紹英航的飛機餐。
上圖:由聖保羅到倫敦的航程蠻長的,因起飛的時候才七點左右,上的第一餐當然是晚餐。晚餐看起來還蠻豐盛的。主菜只有兩種可選,因為我不想選羊肉,於是點了義大利麵食 (pasta)
[British Airways - Sao Paulo to London]: Another long overnight flight across the Atlantic.Again, the first meal served is dinner. For some reason, the non-meat (lamb) dish is again pasta. But again, the pasta is not vegetarian....
[British Airways - Sao Paulo to London]: The appetizer. wait! That looks like "Niçoise Salad" (salad green with tuna) with German style potato salad on the side...
[British Airways - Sao Paulo to London]: Again, the pasta entree tended to be the weakest link among all...it was too creamy.
[British Airways - Sao Paulo to London]: But the desert brownie tasted good
上圖:配上來自法國的波爾多 (Bordeaux)紅酒。
[British Airways - Sao Paulo to London]: And I love their choice of red wine...
[British Airways - Sao Paulo to London]: Waking up in the Northern Hemisphere, another breakfast on board.
[British Airways - Sao Paulo to London]: Finally this scrambled tasted better than the outbound trip.
[British Airways - London to Abu Dhabi]: Lunch served on the way to Abu Dhabi.
上圖:因不想再選義大利麵食,午餐的主菜選了『Chicken Tagine』。我記得“tagine”是摩洛哥菜的燉鍋類。該算是中東/阿拉伯食物吧!
[British Airways - London to Abu Dhabi]: Tagine? That supposed to be Morrocan?
上圖:午餐的開胃菜,沙拉,胡蘿蔔絲,加上千島醬。並不怎麼好吃,比聖保羅到倫敦班機上那餐的 "Niçoise Salad"差很多。
[British Airways - London to Abu Dhabi]: A similar salad but this one is not as good as the "Niçoise Salad I had earlier.
上圖:午餐的主餐『Chicken Tagine』。這感覺就像是咖哩雞嗎!不過,因為是中東菜,好像加了些印度咖哩比較不會吃到的香料。是甚麼香料,我也嚐不出來。
[British Airways - London to Abu Dhabi]: It tasted like curry chicken. Not superior but OK.
上圖:午餐的甜點。看起來好眼熟‧‧‧原來這覆盆子莓慕斯 (Raspberry mousse)在之前由倫敦飛聖保羅的去程班機上,已經吃過了!
[British Airways - London to Abu Dhabi]: Desert...did I have exactly the same one before?
上圖:用午餐的時候,我們正好飛越羅馬尼亞的川斯凡尼亞區 (Transylvania)。我三年多前的夏天才在這一帶旅遊了一個星期。不知道,下面那個大聚落,是不是我短暫停留過的西碧尤 (Sibiu)?
[British Airways - London to Abu Dhabi]: Flying over Transylvania region of Romania....
[British Airways - London to Abu Dhabi]: No real dinner, but just a snack before arriving at Abu Dhabi.
[British Airways - London to Abu Dhabi]: The chicken salad sandwich was fine. At least it tasted better than it looked.
I cannot say their in-flight food is great. However, compared to almost all the Western airlines (non-Asian, non-Middle Eastern) I have flown in the past few years, BA's food is actually quite good. Considering how much money they have lost this past years and how much money they have cut for their employees, their food is actually relatively impressive.
Overall verdict for British Airway: A-