雖然搭英航的飛機,飛了那麼久抵達布宜諾斯艾利斯,但布城其實不是我主要目的地。我主要目的地是和布宜諾斯艾利斯隔著一條很寬,很寬,很寬的拉布拉他河,烏拉圭的首都孟都。但因為孟都比布宜諾斯艾利斯小很多,歐洲公司都不飛。南美洲公司則多從布城市內的小機場出發。由英航抵達的國際機場出發,到孟都的,竟然就只有來自美國的美利堅航空公司 (American Airline)了。這班機由邁阿密出發,停靠布宜諾斯艾利斯後,再繼續前往孟都。
常讀我這專欄的人,大概都知道我對美國的航空公很少美言。尤其過去兩年拜訪美國,多是搭火車旅遊,也是有點為了避免搭到美國國內線的飛機。美利堅航空之前我其實常搭,也在這專欄介紹了幾次 (參見:美利堅航空 歐洲線經濟艙的飛機餐 及美利堅航空 亞洲線經濟艙的飛機餐 )。不過這次由布宜諾斯艾利斯到孟都,倒是我 2008年四月之後,首度飛這家公司。因航程只有一小時不到,我不太期望他們會給甚麼吃的。
上圖:起飛後,有空服員上來發迷你 pretzel,就是德式麻花捲的乾硬迷你版。又鹹又乾,小布希八年前還因吃這個嗆到過差點嗆死。因為我肚子餓,就只有吃了,吃完一包後,等著飲料送上來。但因為一直沒人推飲料車過來,只有無聊地瞪著螢幕。
[American Airline - Buenos Aires, Argentina to Montevideo, Uruguay]: It was a short flight. And since this is a US-based airline, don't expect much to eat. After a tiny pack of pretzels, I was left starved. The only thing I could do is staring at the screen.
[American Airline - Buenos Aires, Argentina to Montevideo, Uruguay]: Backtracked to Uruguay....finally Montevideo, 44 hours after I left home in Abu Dhabi!!
No food or even snack except a tiny pack of dry pretzel. And I am not sure they forgot to serve drinks or they just don't serve drinks in such a short route. It is so typical of US-based airlines these days.I was so glad that I did not choose to fly with them via Miami (I can do Abu Dhabi - London- Miami-Buenoas Aires - Montevideo, in this route, all segments are on American Airline except the AD-London segment)
No food or even snack except a tiny pack of dry pretzel. And I am not sure they forgot to serve drinks or they just don't serve drinks in such a short route. It is so typical of US-based airlines these days.I was so glad that I did not choose to fly with them via Miami (I can do Abu Dhabi - London- Miami-Buenoas Aires - Montevideo, in this route, all segments are on American Airline except the AD-London segment)
基本上,印象很不好。雖然我本來對他們期望就不太高。最後總分:D -
(沒錯,D -是2009年到現在,整年我給的最低的分數)
Final Verdict: This got to be the lowest of the whole 2009. Score: D- :(
Final Verdict: This got to be the lowest of the whole 2009. Score: D- :(