十月底時因為出差,難得地去了南美洲一趟。這也是我 2006寫完南美洲遊記後,首度有機會重返南美洲。
南美洲之行的相片,稍後會刊出。這裡,當然還是先刊出本站的『招牌專欄』─ 『飛機餐大觀』
由中東到南美洲的南半部,路途非常,非常地遙遠。而且幾乎不可能有直飛的飛機。何況我要去開會的,是小國烏拉圭,幾乎無論如何都得在阿根廷,智利,或巴西轉機。往上收尋了各家航空公司的資訊,比價及計算路程接駁時間後,選了有由倫敦直飛阿布達比的英航 (British Airways)。英航航線綿密,可由倫敦直飛阿根廷的布宜諾斯艾利斯 (不過中間會停巴西的聖保羅)。到了布宜諾斯艾利斯後再轉接美利堅航空 (American Airline)的短程航班,不到一小時就可抵達烏拉圭的孟都 (Montevideo)。
這一篇只 review 英航的飛機餐。而且因這段航線非常地長,連英航的部分,我都將分兩回刊出。
上圖:由阿布達比到倫敦的班機。航程近七個小時,半夜兩點多起飛,早上六點多抵達。因為大家一上飛機就睡得東倒西歪了,因此也沒甚麼餐點服務。一直到快到倫敦了,才送上早餐。不像阿酋航空 (Emirates Airline) 或卡達航空 (Qatar Airway),英航的經濟艙並沒有印菜單供乘客參考。因此撕開鋁箔紙前,我並不知道早餐主菜是什麼
[British Airways - Abu Dhabi to London]: An overnight flight of about 6& 1/2, so only one meal was served - breakfast.
[British Airways - Abu Dhabi to London]: breakfast unwrapped.
[British Airways - Abu Dhabi to London]: The main entree is omelette, as usual...
上圖:主菜之外還附了個蘋果口味的丹麥酥 (Apple Danish)。因為在阿布達比很難吃得到像樣的丹麥酥,連這麼簡單的機上西點,我竟都吃得津津有味。吃完,機外旭日東昇,倫敦也就快到了。
[British Airways - Abu Dhabi to London]: Aside from omelette and a fruit plate, they did include a nice pastry - an apple danish here.
[British Airways - Abu Dhabi to London]: Aside from omelette and a fruit plate, they did include a nice pastry - an apple danish here.
上圖:在倫敦逛了一天後,趕回機場搭另一個 overnight 的班機前往南美洲。不過歐洲到南美路途遙遠,光是倫敦到聖保羅就得要11, 12 個小時了。九點起飛的班機,一起飛就送來了晚餐。雖然英航近年大賠錢,還好沒變得像美國航空公司那麼小氣,像圖中的法國紅酒仍是免費的。主菜『Chicken Toscana』其實是茄汁雞塊粗管義大利麵。
[British Airways - London to Sao Paulo, Brazil]: After wandering in London for 14 hours, I was back on board again. At this moment, I just wanted to sleep, then the dinner arrived. I don't like meta, so I ordered the pasta entree. However, it turned out the pasta is with chicken...
[British Airways - London to Sao Paulo, Brazil]: Dinner unwrapped. OK, it ain't Emirates (see above), but it doesn't look bad either...
[British Airways - London to Sao Paulo, Brazil]: Dinner unwrapped. OK, it ain't Emirates (see above), but it doesn't look bad either...
[British Airways - London to Sao Paulo, Brazil]: Salad as appetizer.
上圖:晚餐主菜『茄汁雞塊粗管義大利麵』,裡面還有烤茄子 (grilled eggplant)。其實還蠻好吃的,雞肉也不會太老太硬。
[British Airways - London to Sao Paulo, Brazil]: Pasta with red sauce and chicken. It is nice!
上圖:覆盆子莓慕斯 (Raspberry mousse),不會太甜,算蠻好吃的。
上圖:覆盆子莓慕斯 (Raspberry mousse),不會太甜,算蠻好吃的。
[British Airways - London to Sao Paulo, Brazil]: Desert...yum!
[British Airways - London to Sao Paulo, Brazil]: Almost 10 hours later, I woke up in the air space of Brazil. The breakfast had arrived...
上圖:也是一般的以煎蛋類為主的早餐,不過感覺比由阿布達比到倫敦那一段的早餐豐盛。除了 scrambled egg 外,還有一根香腸及兩,三片培根 ,當然,蘑菇和前一天吃的味道很像,也還不錯就是了。
[British Airways - London to Sao Paulo, Brazil]: Scrambled eggs, sausage, and bacon, very English for breakfast. However, I think the ones that tasted best are those mushrooms.
[British Airways - London to Sao Paulo, Brazil]: Scrambled eggs, sausage, and bacon, very English for breakfast. However, I think the ones that tasted best are those mushrooms.
[British Airways - Sao Paulo, Brazil to Buenos Aires, Argentina]: I stayed on the same plane after 2 hours' stop in Sao Paulo. It's another 2 & 1/2 hours to Buenos Aires. For this short trip, only a lunch box is served.
上圖:餐盒打開‧‧‧果然是西式的三明治,外加個雜果盤及小小麥芬 (muffin)。三明治是夾很簡單的火腿及一片起士,不能算很好吃。
[British Airways - Sao Paulo, Brazil to Buenos Aires, Argentina]: The content of the lunchbox...looked better than I expected. Though the sandwich was so so, I did enjoy the tasty blueberry muffin.