2007年10月1日 星期一

泰航 飛機餐

泰國航空(THAI International Airline,簡稱泰航)雖然飛機有點舊,但其服務品質在全球航空公司票選,通常是高居前五名的。他們的飛機餐,尤其是常高居全球前三名。2005年飛了歐洲三次,三次都坐到泰航,算是留下了不錯的印象。


上圖: 由曼谷飛到哥本哈根的班機上,泰航提供的晚餐:綠咖哩飯及水果派都非常的好吃。

With so many other airlines "downgrading" their in-flight meals, this is one of the best economy class meal I had in the past few years. The green curry entree is especially tasty. Even the appetizer and desert tasted better than most other airlines.

上圖:  同一班機降落前的早餐。Quiche(中間)及蔬菜素堡(主菜盤中的右上角)也非常好吃。機上食物愈來愈難吃(有的還不給任何食物)的美國航空公司該向泰航好好請教。

Most in-flight quiches taste soggy but this one is quite decent; the sausage is okay; however, the "vegetable nugget" (the one at the upper right-handed corner) is really good. The tomato also tastes great with with just right amount of olive oil. Again, THAI did a good job to make my Eurotrip have a great start.

泰航 飛機餐 機上餐飲評鑑總分: A

