2010年9月25日 星期六

法航(Air France Business Class) 商務艙飛機餐

我 2004年搭過一次法航 (Air France),感覺印象普普通通。因為幾位歐洲朋友對法航評語皆不佳,我後來就沒再搭過了。反而昰和法航已經合而未併的姊妹公司荷蘭航空 (KLM)我還比較常搭

2010年暑假的行程非常的複雜。不過大體上,我用 KLM Flying Blue 里程計畫換了張由阿布達比到歐洲的來回票。之前在這部落格,已介紹了由阿布達比到阿姆斯特丹去程的飛機餐。返程因為是由巴黎返回,改成搭法航的航班。因為法航搭『豪華經濟艙』單程只需比『經濟艙』多花 5000哩的點數,我乾脆就訂了『豪華經濟艙』的票。誰曉得....大概是這個航線太冷門,整個商務艙大概都沒人坐,竟然所有的『豪華經濟艙』旅客都免費被升等到商務艙 (此航班沒有頭等艙,所以商務艙已經是最高等級)。而且我的機票明明昰用里程數換的免費票,竟還能免費升等,實在令人喜出望外!




上圖: 法航商務艙的菜單‧‧‧既然昰商務艙,當然是該一整本,而不昰只有一,兩頁的『一般菜單』。

[Air France: BUSINESS CLASS from Paris to Abu Dhabi]: Business Class menu (There is no "First Class" on this flight).

上圖: 機上電影當然都昰『隨叫隨看』的 video-on-demand 。我點了中東回教國家的航空公司一定不會演的『慾望城市第二集』(Sex and the City 2)。最有趣的昰,這部片的情節有很大的比例,都和阿布達比有關(雖然明明就是在摩洛哥拍的,因為阿布達比政府不讓此片在阿布達比拍攝)。

[Air France: BUSINESS CLASS from Paris to Abu Dhabi]: How ironic, watching "Sex and The City 2" on a flight to Abu Dhabi, where this movie about a trip to Abu Dhabi was banned....

上圖: 起飛不久後,送上的小點心。除了通常一定會有的花生米外,還有小碗羊奶起士加番茄醬 (Tomato and goat cheese mousse)。空姐問我要點什麼飲料,我看著隔壁的乘客,學著他點了 Glenlivet 12 years old whisky。雖然聽起來應該是很貴的威士忌,我之前其實從來沒聽過這個牌子。

[Air France: BUSINESS CLASS from Paris to Abu Dhabi]: My pre-meal snack: L'Amuse-Bouche (Tomato and goat cheese mousse), with the Glenlivet 12 years old Whisky.

上圖:翻開三語菜單 (法文,英文,阿拉伯文), 看看今天有什麼好康的可以選  

[Air France: BUSINESS CLASS from Paris to Abu Dhabi]: Read through the menu to see what choices I had


[Air France: BUSINESS CLASS from Paris to Abu Dhabi]: My appetizers and salad....

上圖:開胃菜冷盤的特寫。上面有三種不同的開胃菜,有的我連中文怎麼翻譯都不知道。右方像布丁的昰 "lentil and scallop timbale",主要是 lentil豆做的,裡面還夾了些干貝 (scallop), 不過不太吃得出有干貝。左下方的叫 "chanterelle mushroom and beaufort cheese salad" 這所謂的 chanterelle 蘑菇,我還是第一次吃到。

[Air France: BUSINESS CLASS from Paris to Abu Dhabi]: Combination plate of various appetizers: The pudding-like thing is called "lentil and scallop timbale" (which I could not taste any scallop); the one in the front is "chanterelle mushroom and beaufort cheese salad"; There were even 3 slices of "smoked breast of duck" at the back of the plate (though it doesn't look clear in this picture).

上圖:不同角度看這盤開胃菜。這裡,另一道開胃菜『烤鴨胸肉』(smoked breast of duck) 看得比較清楚。不愧是法國人做出的食物,冷盤中三道菜,每道都很好吃。

[Air France: BUSINESS CLASS from Paris to Abu Dhabi]: Different angle of the appetizer plate...Now you can see the smoked duck better!


[Air France: BUSINESS CLASS from Paris to Abu Dhabi]: Seasonal salad...tasted quite fresh!

上圖: 終於到了上主菜 (main course)的時候了。主菜有四種選擇,基本上是一道肉類,一道禽類,一道海鮮,一道素食。分別是:1) 牛排 (Pan-seared hanger stea); 2) 橘汁鴨胸肉 (Duck a L'Orange); 3)煎魚排 (Grilled hake fish with herb sauce); 4) 烤蔬菜 (Crisp vegetable)。一向不太吃鴨肉的我,最後竟點了第二道,大概是因為印象中,法式料理的鴨肉很少有做得不好吃的吧!因為點鴨肉,特別點了波爾多(Bordeaux)紅酒來配。

[Air France: BUSINESS CLASS from Paris to Abu Dhabi]: There were 4 choices of main courses: 1) Pan-seared hanger steak; 2) Duck a L'Orange; 3) Grilled hake fish with herb sauce; 4) Crisp vegetable...I ended choosing the duck (even I rarely eat duck). The flight attendant also offered cheese to go with my main course.

上圖:主菜 橘汁鴨胸肉 (Duck a L'Orange)的特寫。真的昰蠻好吃的。連配著的義大利寬麵,也嚐得出昰手工桿出來的。雖然我覺得份量多了些 (像鴨肉有四塊,其實兩塊就夠了),不過竟還是整盤吃完了‧‧‧

[Air France: BUSINESS CLASS from Paris to Abu Dhabi]: Main course of my choice - Duck a L'orange, with buttered tagliatelle (a type of pasta), sauteed mushrooms with herbe.


左排的昰『糕點三小福』。由上到下分別昰 1) Caramelized apple tart (焦糖蘋果口味); 2) Dark chocolate and milk chocalate puff pastry (巧克力口味); 3) brochette of pistachio biscuit with raspberry jelly and chantilly (開心果及蔓越莓混合口味)....嗯,都很好吃。而且好家在,單點每樣份量都很小。

[Air France: BUSINESS CLASS from Paris to Abu Dhabi]: Desert....! The "trio" at the left are (from top down) 1) Caramelized apple tart; 2) Dark chocolate and milk chocalate puff pastry; 3) brochette of pistachio biscuit with raspberry jelly and chantilly.....

上圖:另一樣迷你甜點 ─ 焦糖口味的 Sorbet 冰淇淋。吃到這裡,真的昰撐死了....

[Air France: BUSINESS CLASS from Paris to Abu Dhabi]: Another mini-desert: Sorbet. Even it is really small, I guess I had already eaten too much on this flight!

上圖: 差點忘了還有飯後咖啡,和幫助消化的飯後酒。既然這昰法航,當然要點法國出產的甘邑白蘭地酒 (Cognac)

[Air France: BUSINESS CLASS from Paris to Abu Dhabi]: ...and ending this big meal with a cup of coffee. (On the TV screen, the 4 ladies wee about to "escape" from Abu Dhabi!)

因為喝了太多,看完電影後就睡著了。一路睡到波斯灣。也因為一直在拍照,空姐空少們關心地詢問我拍照的目的,我就老實告訴他們我有個關於旅遊的部落格。沒想到一說,他們的服務反而更殷勤了 。所以要把這餐分數打太低,也會覺得不太好意思 

上圖: 抵達前的輕食 (light snack)

上圖: 有聽說在台灣很貴但還是很受歡迎的馬卡龍啊!


【總結算】法航(Air France Business Class) 商務艙飛機餐: A

