2010年3月7日 星期日

印地苟航空(IndiGo Airline)(自費)素食飛機餐


進十幾年印度國內航空市場開放民營,一下子百花齊放,多出了很多家新的航空公司。 IndiGo 應該是這幾年才成立的新公司 (因為三年前的 Lonely Planet India 都還沒提到這家公司的存在),走的算是『廉價航空』(budget airlines)的路線。網路上讀乘客 review,好像服務還不差,準點率也高,於是就在他們網站訂了兩段單程線的票。

上圖:花了140盧比 (美金三塊左右) 訂的『飛機餐』(連價航空,通常飛機餐和飲料都不附。我搭過的只有 Air Berlin 飛機餐是免費附送的)。一盒果汁和一個(其實算『半個』?) 蔬菜三明治,算是蠻簡陋的。

[IndiGo Airline: from Delhi to Goa]: This is a quite new domestic airline in India. Since it is a "budget airline" food and drink is not included. I paid 140 rupees (about $3) for thsi set of veggie sandwich and a boxed juice. A little pricey I think.

[IndiGo Airline: from Delhi to Goa]: This is what the "grilled vegetable sandwich." It tasted nice.

上圖:另一段行程 (由果阿到孟買)的飛機餐,長得還是差不多(不過是不同的素內餡),一樣是140盧比。

[IndiGo Airline: from Goa to Mumbai]: Because I've pre-paid my in-flight meal (again, 140 rupees), so this flight came with the food.


[IndiGo Airline: from Goa to Mumbai]: Still a vegetarian sandwich, this one is with mushroom and baby corn. Just like the sandwich on the earlier flight, it is mildly spicy (We are in India).

總評:以印度的物價來看,這樣的飛機餐要價 140盧比,其實算是很貴的了。不過因機場的賣的食物也一樣貴,如果你想省錢又怕肚子餓的話,最好先在前往機場前買好食物。不過評良心說,IndiGo 的素食三明治,兩段吃到的,都比我過去在美國國內線 (不論是聯合航空,達美,還是美利堅航空)吃到的素三明治好吃,所以雖然普普,也還是差強人意啦!


Overall: IndiGo is not a fancy airline and the food is not free. But the sandwiches tasted nice. They definitely tasted better than those (now also not free) lousy sandwich I had on United, American, or easyJet. So overall, I will give IndiGo the grade:


