2009年6月6日 星期六

第19章:萊拉修道院 (Rila Monastery)相片精選

到達索菲亞的第二天,我決定參加 Hostel Mostel 的一日行行程,前往附近山中的萊拉修道院 (Rila Monastery)。索價是 15歐元 (30 保加利亞列夫)。

十 世紀興建的萊拉修道院,已經有一千多年的歷史了。不只是保加利亞最壯觀的修道院,而且也是整個保加利亞東正教的精神象徵。在羅伯‧克普蘭 (Robert Kaplan)一九九零年代中期非常受到矚目的『巴爾幹鬼魂』 (Balkan Ghosts),保加利亞的章節就是以他拜訪萊拉修道院,感受到保加利亞這歷史悠久小國文化的精深做總結。在讀了這一節之後,也令我特別地想拜訪這個與世 隔絕的修道院。可是 2006年在索菲亞停留的時間太短,下午到達第二天就得離開趕到雅典了。 2007年重返巴爾幹半島,因在索菲亞一住就是三晚,中間有一整天的時間可以出城拜訪萊拉修道院。

其實,若要省錢,自己搭大眾交通工具也 是可以去萊拉修道院的。只是看了旅遊書上的講解,感覺實在太麻煩了:得先搭街車到市郊的 Ovcha Kupel Station,換搭長程公車到萊拉鎮 (Rila Town),再由萊拉鎮鎮中心搭一天只有三班的公車,才能到萊拉修道院。這樣當天來回太辛苦了,我又不想在修道院過一夜。乾脆多花一些錢,有人到旅館直接 接送。

儘管有人到旅館直接接送,由索菲亞市中心到修道院 ,還是得近兩小時的車程。沒多久出了市區,一路上盡是風景宜人的山路。到了萊拉修道院後,司機讓我們下車,放牛吃草,說兩個半小時後再來接我們。原來他不會帶我們參觀,得自己慢慢逛。 15歐元原來只是車資罷了!

不過修道院是免費的,不用花錢再買門票。不過其中的附設的博物館,倒是要入場費 5 列夫。

上圖: 萊拉修道院的入口。得穿過這隧道,才到得了它的中庭。

上圖: 萊拉修道院的地圖。原來是建在群山環繞的河谷中。因為是修道』院,這樣剛好與世隔絕更能悟道。

上圖: 這就是萊拉修道院的主教堂了。稱和我同車的兩個英國女生還沒走散,趕快請她們幫我和主教堂合照一張。不然自己一人旅行都只能『自拍』,還常常是不怎麼好看的角度。

上圖: 藍天下的萊拉修道院主教堂的三個圓頂。很典型的東正教教堂建築,但紅色條紋使它比一般教堂好看多了。

上圖: 萊拉修道院主教堂外的走廊。牆上和天花板都畫滿了宗教畫。

上圖: 萊拉修道院主教堂外的走廊。後面好像是修士們居住的地方。




上圖:這 一區好像是萊拉修道院的『客房區』 (guest quarter)。好像住一晚是 10歐元,不算太貴。羅伯‧克普蘭 (Robert Kaplan)在『巴爾幹鬼魂』 (Balkan Ghosts)的結尾,寫他在萊拉修道院過夜,一邊讀關於保加利亞歷史,一邊思索巴爾幹半島國家的未來前途。那時他應該就是住萊其中的某一間客房。這時突 然很後悔沒有選擇,在這修道院過一夜。

上圖:萊拉修道院的『客房區』 (guest quarter)一樓的廚房。哇!這真的可以用來煮『大鍋飯』了!不過據說朝聖期間,一次是會有上千名善男信女,湧進此修道院拜拜。







2007 年 7 月

到達索菲亞的時候,已經下午三點多了。我直接由公車總站走到 事先已經預訂好的 Hostel Mostel

看 一看地圖,對比 Hostel Mostel 經理寄來 e-mail 的 direction,才了解到原來這青年旅社已經搬家了。2006年來的時候,記得是在主要大道 Boulevard Vitosha 旁一個巷弄的公寓裡。如今卻搬到了另一條大道 Makedonia Boulevard 上。而且不再是公寓樓房中的一戶,新的 Hostel Mostel如今是在一棟兩層樓的木造建築,隱藏在Makedonia Boulevard 旁的一個中庭內。算是地理位置方便,但又鬧中取靜。

才 一年不到,感覺已經人事全非。但其實想想,才一年不到,如今保加利亞已經正式成了歐盟 (European Union)的會員國。歐盟大量的經費補助,也使得索菲亞顯得欣欣向榮,益加繁華。 入住 Hostel Mostel ,發現好在定價竟然和 2006年一樣: 10歐元一夜,而且還是和去年一樣包含了免費早餐,免費網路使用。甚至在晚餐時間附一盤免費的義大利麵及一杯啤酒。這樣好康的青年旅社,在西歐已經找不到 了,就算在東歐其實也愈來愈少見 【註:現在已漲成 12歐元一夜】。

行李放好,並且報好明天去萊拉修道院 (Rila Monastery)的團,躺一下休息到四,五點,才決定出去走走。


上圖:有一千六百年歷史的 St. George's Rotunda 竟然藏在喜來登旅館 (Sheraton Hotel) 後的中庭裡。這句說是全索菲亞最古老的建築。

上圖: St. George's Rotunda 一旁,就是個古羅馬浴場的遺跡。

上圖:由 Tzar Osvoboditel Boulevard 往東南行,就到了全索非亞最龐大,最漂亮的 Alexander Nevsky Cathedral。這大教堂是為了紀念俄羅斯當年為了支持保加利亞獨立,打了死傷慘重的土俄戰爭所興建的。Alexander Nevsky 是當時俄羅斯沙皇的名號。

上圖:布達佩斯一樣索非亞也有個大市場 ﹝Grand Market﹞。連格局規劃都很相似。不過索非亞這個小很多,人氣更是遠不及布達佩斯的市場。

上圖:吃 完 Hostel Mostel提供的義大利麵後,天也黑了。再出去散步,剛好也可以拍夜景。圖中是 Svela Nedelya 廣場上的 Cathedral of St. Nedelya (聖納迪亞大教堂)。這教堂雖然是 14世紀興建的,其實因在 20世紀初被炸毀,現在看到的其實是 1975年才改建出來的。

上圖:Svela Nedelya 廣場上就是共產時期,全保加利亞最大的百貨公司 TSUM。據說在八零年代末期物資匱乏,來這裡採購多要大排長龍。現在裡面賣的多是西方或東亞大公司的進口貨,看起來和我們一般的百貨公司已無任何差別了。

走著走著,我又走到了最熱鬧的 Vitosha Boulevard。Vitosha Boulevard一直下去,就可抵達索菲亞南郊的 Vitosha 山林遊樂區。中間,還會經過索非亞大學的校區,據說那一帶有很多學生愛去的夜店。我當然沒力氣走那麼遠。

走 著走著,又有一種莫名的幸福感。週遭盡是看不太懂的賽瑞爾字母,人們說著的是完全聽不懂得保加利亞文。但能夠到這麼遠的地方來旅行,感受不同的文化,而且 還能回到前一年蜻蜓點水地經過,印象很不錯的保加利亞,甚至住進同一家喜歡的青年旅社。這樣的緣分,帶給心頭一種難言喻的幸福。

走到 National Palace of Culture 前的公園,發現一堆賣冰淇淋及爆米花的攤位。突然嘴饞,花了半歐元買了大大的兩球冰淇淋享用。


上兩圖: 在National Palace of Culture 前的公園,看著煙花綻開。這該是此趟旅程,另一幕終生難忘的回憶。

2009年6月5日 星期五

第17章:去年在維力可塔諾弗 (Last Year in Veliko Tarnovo)

2007 年七月,在行經義大利東北部,阿爾巴尼亞 (Albania),馬其頓 (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia),及科索沃(Kosovo)之後,我終於進入了保加利亞。先到靠近國土西界的首都索菲亞 (Sofia),然後,朝著我從未拜訪國的黑海海岸前進。


不到一年前, 2006年八月中,我就已經拜訪了保加利亞一次。那一次因為行程拖了太久,進入保加利亞後只待了三天,就得趕到雅典,搭機返台了。那三天,在中北部的保國 古都 維力可塔諾弗 (Veliko Tarnovo)住了兩夜,抵達索非亞後,只住了一夜。那短短三夜兩天在保加利亞的停留,對這個國家的印象非常地好。因此一直很希望能夠重訪。於是, 2007年重訪巴爾幹半島,特別把保加利亞排為重點拜訪國家。

由馬其頓的邊境進入保加利亞後,還得兩,三個小時,才會抵達索菲亞。山路一 路行著,感覺很高興,我終於又重新回到了保加利亞。不覺又想起了前一年,首度拜訪保加利亞的回憶。去年在維力可塔諾弗的回憶。因相機被偷,心情處於低潮的 我,儘管在羅馬尼亞拜訪了很多的名勝古蹟,卻還是掃不走心頭的陰霾。一直到進了保加利亞,也許是它地中海式的陽光,一整片的向日葵花海,以及特別友善的青 年旅舍,終於讓我重拾自助旅遊的樂趣,在整段旅程終將結束前,找回了自己對旅行的信心。

去年在保加利亞的停留,竟有療傷止痛的作用。在 維力可塔諾弗的停留,以因此顯得彌足珍貴。 The following is what happened the year before in Veliko Tarnovo...

《註:本想寫中文版的,後來實在因為沒力氣,時間也不夠,還是決定把英文的放上來。不然一篇文章寫兩次,感覺好像在作虛功   》

When I stepped into my compartment on the train D499, it was nearly full. There were already 4 people in the 6-person compartment.
Later a small Japanese girl with a nosering came in. I found that I was the only person headed to Bulgaria. All other passengers would terminate their trip in Istanbul, Turkey. Bulgaria was a merely a transit country for them.
It takes nearly 19 hours to reach Istanbul from Bucharest, so this train wouldn't be in Istanbul until the next morning. Fortunately for me (a person no longer willing to take any overnight train in Eastern Europe), I would reach my destination, Veliko Tarnovo, by 8 pm. It should be just in time for dinner.
Except for a Turkish woman from Ankara, all other passengers in my compartment are backpackers from outside the Balkan Region. The Kiwi (New Zealand) woman sat across from me had been to Turkey before and this was her second trip. She loves Turkey quite a lot. Two British guys traveled all over Europe for their first "grand Eurotrip" like many other Western Europeans I ran into; the Japanese girl was quiet most of the time. When she spoke, we found out she actually lived in Denmark and also came down for her "grand Eurotrip." The Turkish woman did not speak much English but it was interesting to find out her mother is Romanian, and thus she speaks Romanian fluently and traveled between two countries regularly. Strangely, none of them really planned to spend much time in Bulgaria, a country sandwiched between Romania and Turkey.
Wow! After the unfortunate D341, at least the fun of train trip in Europe temporarily retuned (This would also be my last rain ride in this European trip): meeting fellow backpackers and exchange travel tips, talking about what we have seen in the world and what we love most. The Kiwi woman even had a bottle of red wine and a lot of vegetarian snacks (I seemed to be the only one enjoying those snacks). She talked about her experience in Eastern Turkey and Republic of Georgia (no, don't expect there is any sign in English); while one of the Brits is history-major and used to travel on an overland trip (but not with Dragoman) across Africa, all the way from London to Cape Town (something I may do in the future). This was a nice group of people to spend a night with in a tight train compartment, but I had to get off somewhere in the midway.
After crossing the Danube and entering Bulgaria, the sky seemed to be bluer. There are few houses along the rail tracks after we left Ruse. Bulgaria is a less populous country than Romania. With those Cyrillic alphabets, it feels exotic again. We passed by many sunflower fields. Like those sunflower fields I remember when traveling in Spain, I started to feel I was back to the Mediterranean region again. Indeed, compared to other Eastern European countries, Bulgaria feels more of Mediterranean than Continental.
The train was one hour late when it arrived in Veliko Tarnovo (Delay seems a norm in this part of the world and I hope they would arrive in Istanbul by lunch time. :\). As I requested on Hiker's Hostel website ( http://www.hikers-hostel.org/vt/), a driver did show up at the station to pick me up. Though it took me a little while (after listening to too many scary stories in Romania) to believe in him that he was really the representative sent by the Hostel. (Since he kept saying he came to pick up a traveler from Australia, well, now even I think I look like an Aussi!)
Veliko Tarnovo (“Велико Търново” in Bulgarian) was the ancient capital of Bulgaria (from 1185 to 1393). When Bulgaria finally declared independence from Turkey in 1879, they chose to write their first constitution here. Though no longer a major city like current capital Sofia, V. Tarnovo still holds a special place in Bulgarians' heart. Perched on the slopes above the crooked Yantra River Valley, there are many winding hilly streets with hundred-years old buildings. Though not very far from the town thoroughfare, Hikers Hostel is hidden in a hilly back alley. It is very difficult to locate for a first visitor. Fortunately there was the driver taking me all the way up there from the station.
Just as what "Let's East Europe" introduces, the terrace outside has a great panoramic view of the Tsarevets Fortress across the valley and mountains nearby. By the time Andrea, the driver, and I reached the Hostel, it was almost dark.
"You are lucky today." Andrea told me, "They have a free barbecue tonight."
I was assigned to a 12-bed room on the second floor. The space is quite tight and there is no locker. But the room is clean. Again, like other youth hostels in Eastern Europe, breakfast is included and Internet is free (there are two terminals). All this cost 10 Euro, a little less than the ones in Romania. There are also local beers for sale at the reception. Each cost 0.5 Euro.

View of the nearby mountains from the second floor terrace in at Hiker's Hostel
上圖:Hiker's Hostel的陽台看出去的山景。其實山谷的對面就是Tsarevets碉堡了。

View of Tsarrevets Fortress from Hiker's Hostel. Look closer, the building on top of the hill is the Church of the Ascension.
上圖:Hiker's Hostel的陽台看出去的Tsarevets碉堡。雖然不是很清楚,但還是看得到碉堡山頂的聖母升天教堂。
Just like the barbeque I had back in my first night in Krakow, the atmosphere was great. I had opportunities to sample Bulgarian sausages and meatcakes and talking to travelers from all over the world. Aside from beer we purchased, the staff also brought out some Bulgarian red wine. Again, there were four Dutch guys traveling together, though less drunk than those four I ran into in Krakow (Do Dutch guys like to travel in the group of four? A good number to Ma-Jong!). Again, there are some Australians and Brits (and one Americans). And again, I was the only "yellow" person there (though one Australian guy seems to be half Asian)!
In many ways, Bulgaria was a welcome change from Romania. The weather was nicer and the hostel more comfortable. People seem to be more polite, speak better English, and (surprisingly) things are even cheaper. Veliko Tarnovo is a small place and there may not be many things to see. However, sensing that it is difficult to find such a comfy hostel with a good view and layback atmosphere , I decided to delay my trip to Sofia and stay in Veliko for another night.
The next days, all the Aussis and Dutches were gone and the hostel became very quiet. The breakfast was amazingly sumptuous, with a lot of cold cut meats and two types of juice. I spent quite a lot of time enjoying my breakfast and did not head out until after 11 am.
My first stop is the ancient Tsarevets Fortress (Хълмът Царевец, check this website if you CAN read Bulgarian! at least they have good pictures of the Fortress), former home to many former Bulgarian tsars (沙皇). Most of the citadel was destroyed in the Turkish invasion, but a long stretch of the wall survived and several towers still stand til' this day. At the top of hill stand a beautiful church, Church of the Ascension, with a lot of beautiful Orthodox style frescoes (painted in 1981 when Bulgaria celebrated its 1300th birthday). From the Church, there is a great paranomic view of Yantra River Valley down below.
Later I walked along the curved streets of Veliko and reached the National Revival Museum. I guess there were not too many visitors since the staff so happy to see me dropping in (entrance fee: 4 lv or 2 Euro). It houses items from Bulgarian National Revival Movement (in late 19th century when they fought for independence from Turkey). It even has the chamber where the first Bulgarian Parliament held it meeting and its constitution. However, with most documents only in Bulgarian, it didn't help too much for me to understand this country's struggle to gain its independence. However, pictures of some old stone houses all over Bulgaria are interesting to me.
After having a late lunch on the main street, I went to buy a new, disposable camera. After feeling miserable for more than a week after I lost my cherished camera, I finally decided I really needed to start taking pictures again. Now I am in such a lovely country, I should not leave my photo album blank.

This hilly street leads all the way up to the Hiker's Hostel. Some of the buildings look very historic.
上圖:Veliko Tarnovo 是個和台灣九份很像的山坡城,很多建築物的窄窄舊舊的,石板山路彎彎曲曲,很有歷史感。這條路最後可通到建在半山腰的 Hiker's Hostel。

A view from the main street.
上圖:Veliko Tarnovo 的主要商店街之一。